Monday, October 12, 2009

Scarey Halloween Table Scapes


My Spooky Halloween Table Scape

This will be my Spooky Dessert Table
For Lots of Delicious Scary Treats!

~BEWARE~ Keepers of the Candy!

Awww...who could be Afraid of this Little Fella!

Feelin A Little Witchy!

Align LeftI Hope I didn't Scare you Too Much!!!:)

How Have you Decorated for Halloween?

Has the Spirit Moved You Yet???

Have A Spooky~Fun Day!



Happy Fall Greetings From the Pumpkin People!

Getting ready for the Trick or Treaters

Fall's Has Arrived!
Greetings from the Pumpkin People

Pictures of things around my Fall Garden

Not a Great show on these Monatauk Daisies, but there is a couple of weeks to go before the heavy frost gets them. They were beautiful the last few years, I think I over pruned in the spring. I think this year, I will prune them back after they bloom, in 1st or 2nd week of November

Ewhhh.... :( They birds had a Feast! What's left of those beautiful Sunflowers of Summer....oh I miss those summer daze already!

Hard to believe they once look vibrant as this!

Not much left in my Suburban Garden...some thyme, sage, apple mint, allsymm, snow in the summer...well, if what they predict is true...we will sure have "Snow in The Winter" Here in the beautiful state of Michigan!

Wait...there's One Last Strawberry to pick! I couldn't believe it, but I picked this last strawberry last week when I took these pictures , What do ya know!:D A tasty surprise!

Well nothing left to do but get the beds ready for next seasons beauty and plant bulbs

I usually go all out for Halloween Outside, but, now that my Kids are grown and not around as much, I am not that interested in decorating with lights and all. But, the Inside seems to be another story...I have had my Halloween Table Display for a couple weeks now.
I will show those pics on my next post

Happy Fall to Ya All!


Thursday, October 1, 2009


  • make me feel loved
  • show someone you love them
  • can make you smile when you're feeling down
  • can be given to yourself
  • can change the mood of a room
  • can change Your mood

Show Your Roses, and what they mean to you

How can you finish this sentence? "Roses....

Add your Rose picture and how what roses mean to you through your blog post throgh MckLinky! Lets See How you Display Your Roses, Who got them for you? Why you Adore Roses, How they make you feel, or anything you have to say about roses! Add your blog post to the McKLinky below...

Hope your Day is Filled with Roses!
