Monday, October 12, 2009

Scarey Halloween Table Scapes


My Spooky Halloween Table Scape

This will be my Spooky Dessert Table
For Lots of Delicious Scary Treats!

~BEWARE~ Keepers of the Candy!

Awww...who could be Afraid of this Little Fella!

Feelin A Little Witchy!

Align LeftI Hope I didn't Scare you Too Much!!!:)

How Have you Decorated for Halloween?

Has the Spirit Moved You Yet???

Have A Spooky~Fun Day!



1 comment:

  1. oh it is so awesome! I love all the decorations! I put up a few last night. Just some window decals and a few little trinkets here and there! I know that my nephews and niece will love it! I'm probably going to take them trick-or-treating, and I've even got myself something to wear!(not a costume, but something I'm sure the kiddos are going to love! lol I'll post picks after we go spookin'!) I've also gotta get some pumpkins! Hopefully today!
