Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's Mother's Day Early!

Hi ! I'm Peggy....I Just Love It Her ....I'm Nestled in at Christines'' place, right under her Front Door Porch Light, This Basket is Just the Perfect Place for Hatching my Twins.... Peggy Sue and Peter Junior. Although, once in a while, at night, they forget , Not to turn on the Porch Light...Ouch....my eyes....But other than that, it's Just Swell here! My Little Ones, sure keep me busy...or should I say, rested...with one eye open. ...I never leave my nest, and Peter, my Husband has been such a Gem of a Husband.....He stays right around the porch , Cooing to let me know he is just a "Coo"away... He lets me take a break for food now and again. He even takes a turn keeping our babies warm!

Hey Mom...Where 'd u go???

It's been so nice here at Christine's , though I did see her out Gardening Yesterday,...Uh, Oh...Maybe she wants to put some of lovely pansies in this basket too?...
Well, the Kids will be grown in No time don't ya know, and she can always plant after Mother's Day....I'm Sure She won't mind! :D

I Don't Peggy...Don't you Worry your Pretty Little Self...
Just concentrate on your little one's right now
that's what is Important!

They're will always be Time to Plant!

Oh, And , A Early " Happy Mother's Day" to You Peggy


  1. Oh Christine! I know where you live! The memory just came to me about drawing my attention to your trailer parked in your driveway on a recent visit to my sister-in-law's house on Coon Lake Rd. How could you not miss such vintage happiness! I wanted to tell you that I have posted about our summer tag swap and wanted to know if you would still like to participate. If you would please let me know on the post what state you would like to scrap (examples are shown). I hope it's Michigan! The vacation destination if ever there was one. Your post today is so lovely. I also have doves who nest in my hanging baskets! Have a lovely weekend! Elizabeth

  2. I love this little story....Peggy and her children are beautiful! I love my birds as well...
